short story

The Castheiser Illusion

Special post alert: Yesterday I had a short story titled THE CASTHEISER ILLUSION published in Green House Literary. I’m drawing attention to it because: 1. It’s very good, 2. It’s about people wilfully ignoring the climate crisis, 3. Europe is burning.

Set in near-future London, Stacks is an out-of-work astrophysicist struggling to find a reason to keep going when the outlook for humanity is so bleak. Then a chance encounter with an old colleague sends him down a rabbit hole of guilt, manipulation and mitigation. Soon only one question matters to Stacks: What - or who - is Castheiser?


‘The prediction models think the next storm will wipe out half of London.’

‘Didn’t the last one do that already?’ Melchior laughed when he saw the look on Stacks’s face. ‘Oh, it’s no joking matter, I know. All those dead. But what else can one do? Better to see the humour in the situation than to fret.’

The Castheiser Illusion is the third story in an extended series set in the Sundown universe. The other two are Pawn’s Promotion and Combers. More to come.

Chart / February

Two months since I’ve done one of my iconic Chart entries. What has happened in that time? A few things. Reality Testing was released in paperback by the kind fellows at Black Rose Writing, and to date I must have sold at least 7 copies or so. Continuing to cement my name in the sci fi pantheon. In short story news, I’ve finally started submitting again after a couple of years, and my minimal effort was rewarded almost instantly with publication in issue one of a new magazine, Grim & Gilded. The story, called Pawn’s Promotion, takes place in the Sundown universe (that’s the same one as Reality Testing), and it’s 4,500 words of Lem-esque science fiction.

Elsewhere in bottom-of-the-barrel news: I reluctantly wrote a guest post for the blog Books + Coffee = Happiness about how to how to avoid the rejection blues. An excerpt of my wisdom:

“That short story you spent six months honing until it’s as sharp as a razor blade might be fantastic, but if an editor didn’t have their coffee that morning, there’s a chance they’ll punch the form rejection button just to get back at the world. Not your fault. Not the editor’s. Literature is like astrology: the stars and planets have to align. Moon conjunct Pluto, that kind of thing.”

Elsewhere, in The Avid Reader (whose ‘buy now’ button hilariously happens to be a screenshot rather than, you know, an actual button), I offer perfunctory answers to a perfunctory interview. I’m not entirely sure why I do these things. Maybe I’m a sucker for punishment.

Book of the month: Don Quixote. Yeah, that’s right, I’m reading it. And it’s just as funny as people say it is. Not in a ‘oh I just laugh and laugh at Bob Dylan songs’-pretention kind of way. More in a “this part of the story is about a man charging at a windmill with his lance” vein. I bet it’ll still take me forever to read, though.

Album (or actually a mixtape) of the month: Caprisongs by FKA twigs. I lost interest in twigs for a while after she brought out Magdalena, because I couldn’t get into it like the rest of the world effortlessly did. But this mixtape banished those January blues quicksmart. Good job, girl in the video.

Movie of the month: Rope. I haven’t seen many Hitchcock movies, and this is one that he dismissed as a failed experiment. James Stewart didn’t think much of his own performance in it, either. But I loved it. From the homoerotic subtext to the choice of cuts to the city changing in sort-of-real-time through the apartment window, I would say it is anything but a failure.

And now for tunes.

1 Nilüfer Yanya - midnight sun

2 Boys Noize, ABRA - Affection

3 Tirzah - Inside Out

4 SAULT - Red Lights

5 Kelly Lee Owens - More Than A Woman

6 Kosha - No Kink in the Wire